Monday, February 13, 2006

Drinking Water

Drinking Water

All of us need to drink plenty of water.

If your teenager is a soda drinker, she may not like
water after drinking all the flavored and sugared soft
drinks. However water consumption is vitally important
for health and electical conductivity of the body.

As a health practioner, I suggest one quart of water
for every 50 pounds of weight. So if your teenager
weighs one hundred pounds, (s)he would need to drink
two quarts of water a day. As an added incentive,
tell them drinking water will help clear up the bad
skin problems.

Click here for an article on teenagers and drinking

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Jeannie publishes Healthy Living newsletter. She shares Health tips, nutrition suggestions and research.Get yours started today.