Flu Virus Precautions
Flu Virus Precautions
With the current concern about the combination flu -
human flu virus, swine flu virus and bird flu virus,
now is the time to address your health, even before
you get sick.
Your immune system needs supported.
Keep your immune system healthy. Stop the things that
pollute your system such as smoking, drug use and being
in poluted areas that will polute your body with poisons
and toxins.
Secondly, eat the best, most nutritious foods you can. You
cannot build a healthy body and immune system on junk food,
white sugar and white flour products. Be sure to choose plenty
of fresh fruits and vegetables daily for many of the vitamins and
minerals you need to stay healthy.
I like to have some homeopathics on hand, to start at the first
sign of flu. This one supports the liver as well.
Boiron Value Pack! Oscillococcinum Natural Flu Relief, Twin Pack
Labels: bird flu, immune system, swine flu