Psychological Damage From The Tsunami
Many people around the world are beginning to realize the psychological damage caused by the tsunami.
If you watched the news - day in and day out after Christmas you saw shocking videos and heard stories that made you want to weep.
And if you were actually in one of the areas hit, the stress is unbelievable. European health ministers urged governments to be mindful of the psychological scars of the disaster.
According to Gudjon Magnusson, a WHO spokesman, "it is estimated that some 20 percent of those that experienced the tsunami will experience post-traumatic stress syndrome and stress disorders."
You know, it could be a lot higher than that. Officials from the Asian disaster areas reported that up to three-quarters of local health personnel could not work because of depression.
You can read the news article here:
I work with people who have been through traumas using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and something else like it. A simple explanation is that it is tapping on acupressure points to deal with emotions, feelings and beliefs that do not serve you well.
It releases the negative charge of the incident and the emotions that go with it. Many people can think of the problem and no longer be devastated or upset about it. It is a wonderful tool to know and use.
Would you like to download a free workbook and learn the basics of EFT? Learn more about it - Follow the links on this page of my website.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements