Pet Allergy
Have Allergies And Own A Pet?
Many of us are aware that we need to keep the dust, dust mites and mold down to a minimum in our homes, if we have allergies. But how often do we think about our dog and cat as a source of allergens?
If you have allergies and own a pet, listen up. The skin particles shed by dogs and cats, known as dander, can rapidly spread through the house and cause allergic reactions for any allergy sufferer .
If your cat or dog must be in the house, confine them to certain rooms and do not let them in your bedroom. Those skin particles combine with Dust mites, molds and other allergens and stick around in the bedroom, a room that we spend a lot of time in. If you have allergies, do not let the pet sleep with you. You would be in close contact with the dander For a number of hours.
Click here to read more of this pet allergy article.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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