Thursday, December 08, 2005

Alzheimer's Disease Press Release

I put out a press release that will go out tomorrow
on Alzheimer's Disease.

(PRWEB) December 9, 2005 – Statistics tell us that
an estimated 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s
Disease. Over 70% of people with Alzheimer's live at
home. Also that almost 75% of their care is provided
by families and friends.

All of this is just statistics, until it hits close to
home, as Jeannie Crabtree, a natural health practitioner
and certified acupuncturist, found out.

Jeannie Crabtree said “ Six of my relatives had been
diagnosed with Alzheimer's over several years. Two
Uncles and two Aunts. Then two of my cousins, one
male and one female, just a few years older than
myself were diagnosed. One living Aunt now does
not recognize even her children.“

“I began to have more concern about my mother. She
was beginning to show some signs of forgetfulness
and yet it seemed like more than just forgetfulness.
If my mom did end up diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I
wondered what would I do about her finances and her
care. I wanted to find out more about Dementia and
Alzheimer's and what the impact would have on family
and any of my siblings that became a caretaker, so I
started doing more research. I wanted to be informed
and prepared.”

As Crabtree began her research she found very good
information to share with others. She shares this on
her website in an ebook called “The Alzheimer’s Guide”
The ebook has been put together to help many people that
are having to take a look at their parents and relatives,
making decisions about their care and finances.

The "Alzheimer's Disease Guide" is good to have at the
holiday season when family gathers together, so that the
information can be discussed among family members.

For those with known Alzheimers in the family, the ebook
includes suggestions of 100 ways to spend time with someone
with Alzheimer’s.

For more details on “The Alzheimer’s Guide” be sure to visit
the website:

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.