Gout and Gout Diet
Gout and Gout Diet
Anything that triggers high uric acid can trigger a
gout attack.
So you want to watch your diet. A gout diet would
steer you away from high purine foods such as dairy
products, kidney, liver, shellfish, sardines, and nuts.
Alcohol, coffee and soft drinks also increases your production
of uric acid, so stay away from them if you are prone
to gout.
From the people I see and the research I have done, there
is some connection with gout and an imbalance of minerals.
You may want to have a hair analysis performed. Most people
with gout need to emphasize foods that contain postassium.
So emphasizing vegetables and some fruits each day is
To learn specific natural methods to take care of Gout
quickly and easily, be sure to click here now.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For more health information see the Health and Fitness books.