Man's Health
Man's Health
As a man who wants better health please note: when you eat
your foods in their more natural form, your body chooses
what it needs for rebuilding and balancing, from the
chemistry of the food. That is why I find a Green Vibrance ">whole food
nutritional supplement such as Green Vibrance so good to
rebuild better health. It has easily digested sources
of foods in a powdered form.
Do add good source of oils in your diet from such things
as olive oil, almond oil, fish oils and other oils found
in the Health food store. However do not use Canola Oil,
or Rapeseed as it is sometimes called, no matter if it
is found in the Health Food Store. It has been found
to cause health problems.
You may also want to ad in a couple of foods that are
beneficial for prostate health. Two of the better known
ones are ground flax seed oil and pumpkin seeds. Have
several servings per week.
Read more of the Man's Health article
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
Discover Nutritional Supplements that support better health.