Alkaline Food
Alkaline Food
Use Diet to balance your pH
Some one emailed and said that they were trying to put together a more alkaline diet for themselves. For a beginner, this may seem Like an insurmountable task. Especially if you have eaten the typical American Diet.
So to start a better diet, first you need to know which foods are considered acidic and which are alkaline.
What To Emphasize
Minerals are very alkalizing. So you want to emphasize your vegetables, especially the leafy greens. Suggested servings of vegetables are 7 to 9 servings a day.
Use a variety of vegetables each day. Choose different colors as well. Also for health: It is wise to eat most of your vegetables raw each day. About 20% to 30% cooked vegetables and the rest raw.
Read more about using Alkaline Food by clicking here
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.