Natural Herbs
Natural Herbs
Have you ever taken natural herbs and they just did not
seem to work very well for you?
I would like to share a few reasons why many natural herbs
do not seem to help anymore. Some of you may be aware of
what I am sharing but many do not have a clue.
Quality of most Herbs is poor.
The soil that our food and herbs are grown on is not what
it was 50 years ago. Much of the herbs that are not organic
or wild crafted are grown on soil that is depleted or is
being fed with chemical fertilizers. There is very little
nutrition in these herbs to be passed on to you.
Many natural herbs that we use in the U.S. are raised outside
this country. Herbs may come from China, Mexico, India, Eastern
Europe or other places. Herbs can be sprayed with chemicals -
pesticides, herbicides and insecticides including ones we have
banned in the U.S.
Please read more of the Natural Herbs article here.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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