Replacing Electrolytes
Replacing Electrolytes
I thought this was an interesting question. (I am on vacation in Oregon visiting family). My nephew, who is 20, is working at drinking a quart and a half of water a day. So he asked me "How do I replace my electrolytes when I am drinking all this water or fluid?"
Good question I told him. I pointed out that electrolytes are minerals. Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potasium are called macro minerals, or major minerals.
Some minerals especially the macrominerals are important as electrolytes. The body uses electrolytes to help regulate nerve and muscle function.
The best source of minerals are vegetables and fruits. Concentrate on the leafy green vegetables, celery, etc. It is suggested that a person get in 5 to 9 1/2 cup servings of vegetables. That is a lot of vegetables. Many people do not get that many vegetables eaten in a day.
If you don't get enough vegetables use something like the Green Vibrance super food powder that I sell on my site. It is concentrated and has over 50 different food sources and is chock full of minerals, enzymes, anti oxidents, digestive enzymes and other good for you things.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements