Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning can make you so sick. I was reminded of this just a couple days ago.
I was traveling to Florence, Oregon from San Diego, California. I had just gotten into a hotel the 2nd night of the trip and the usual signs of food poisoning hit me.
What? You have never had food poisoning? The signs are dizziness, queasy stomach, which works into a nausea with vomiting and usually diarrhea by that time. You feel sooo sick.
I took the two things that are good to carry on trips for food poisoning. Charcoal capsules and grapefruit seed extract. (You can get these at the health
food store.)
The bad part lasted about an hour and a half and then the symptoms of the food poisoning started to abait enough that I could go to bed and go to sleep. I was a little weak the next day, but able to travel.
Don't be without the charcoal and grapefruit seed extract when you travel. They can make the difference between a a short bout of food poisoning and one that knocks you out for a couple of days.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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