Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cause Of Bad Breath

Having bad breath can make a serious problem in your
social life, and on the job. It is also hard if you
have to work with someone with bad breath.

I remember having a consultation with someone whos
spouse had such bad breath and body ordor that I felt
I was suffocating and sick in the small room.

Unfortunately, I was not seeing the spouse, so I did
not bring up the problem. And it is a problem - the
body is giving off signals that something is not right.

Think about this:

* Is your mouth frequently very dry?
* Does milk or coffee leave a bad taste in your mouth?
* Do you have post nasal drip?
* Do people regularly offer you breath mints?
* Is there a white coating on your tongue?
* Is your saliva thick?
* Do people frequently turn their heads or back away from

These things mentioned above could be the cause of bad
breath. There are others as well.

You can learn about the causes of bad breath and what to do
about it in the ebook Getting Rid of Bad Breath.

Remember, the cause of bad breath is a signal that you need
to pay attention to.
