Herbs Such As Goldenseal Can Clear Good Bacteria
Herbs Such As Goldenseal Can Clear Good Bacteria
Do you take herbs as natural anti biotics?
If you are into alternative health care methods and use such things as Golden Seal or Grapefruit seed extract when you start to come down with something, you may be doing harm to your good bacteria in the colon
if you take these natural anti biotic substances over a period of time. Say more than 2 - 3 weeks. These things can clear the good bacteria as well as the bad over time.
So if you do use these things, it is important to use probiotics to re introduce the good bacteria. If you are not familiar with probiotics, it is the good bacteria that should be in the colon. Here are some of the benefits
of using probiotics:
* Promotes healthy colonic pH
* Balances yeast overgrowth and other bacterial conditions
* Regulates bowel functions
* Improves digestion
* Increases nutrient absorption and synthesis
* Protects against periodontal infections
* Provides a rich source of lactic acid bacteria
Some are much better quality probiotics than others. I discuss a very high quality one on my site - Probiotics RX
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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