Thursday, June 02, 2005

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness At The Deepest Level

Why are people who do all the right things still sick?

Health and wellness has to do with innate wisdom, also called our subconscious mind, if you like, whose job it is to tie in and synchronize all the activities in the body.

Through all different factors - emotional factors, traumatic factors, dietary factors – millions of different factors, the communication between the various parts of the body has become compromised many times. This affects your healthand wellness level.

When that communication system is broken down and is not functioning properly, it doesn’t matter how healthy each organ is, you won’t have health – you won’t have a symphony of health because of a lack of communcation.

So how do you get the communication working again so that you can discard your illnesses and sicknesses? Thats where some sessions with me are helpful. I find out through using muscle testing the low points in your health and wellness systems and
assist proper communcation of all systems.

Read more about health and wellness consultations that I offer.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

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