Natural Herbs Quality
Natural Herbs Quality
Quality of most Herbs is poor. Who would have
thought this as most people in the natural health
field are using them - right?
The soil that our food and herbs are grown on is not
what it was 50 years ago. Much of the herbs that are
not organic or wild crafted are grown on soil that is
depleted or is being fed with chemical fertilizers.
There is very little nutrition in these herbs to be
passed on to you.
Many natural herbs that we use in the U.S. are raised
outside this country. Herbs may come from China, Mexico,
India, Eastern Europe or other places. They are raised
there very cheaply and the quality can be very poor.
Read more of the article on Natural Herbs
Jeannnie Crabtree C.Ac.
Nutritional Supplements to help you become and then stay healthy