Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alternative Health Herbs

Alternative Health Herbs

Alternative health herbs remedies are used by a good
number of Americans and others that want to take their
own health into their hands and do something natural,
rather than take prescribed drugs.

Billions are spent yearly on these herbs and remedies,
rather than use something that might be paid by medical
insurance. Are you one of these people?

Remember that all herbs are not safe. An example of that
is Ma Huang. I have an article that states that I believe
that Ma Huang use should under a health professionals
guidance, because it can be addicting and cause adrenal
exhaustion or worse.

On the other hand, most herbs are safe and beneficial.
You want to use alternative health herbs after looking
into what they do and make sure that you get them from
a reputable company, as quality and contamination can
vary from company to company.

In addition alternative health herbs & remedies may work
singly or in combination with other herbs or with
homeopathics. So if you are not working with an alternative
health practitioner, remember that no one thing is right for
everyone. Do your due diligence and note how you feel while
taking them.

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